Kriti Sanon went to a Pay Charge occasion the previous evening, where the on-screen character was wearing an emerald green and sapphire blue outfit by originator Payal Khandwala. The beautician Sanam Ratansi has unquestionably tried different things with this look of hers however Kriti steals it away really well.
The announcement neck piece by Amrapali runs truly well with the gem tones of the silk clothing. Kriti has a rectangle formed body sort and in this way, for her layering works the best which the beautician has dealt with.
Full sleeves shirt, Ringer Base Trousers and the long coat, lovely!!!
What does not go well are the lower leg strapped stilettos. The bare shading does not supplement the troupe and looks dull. She could improve her footwear.
How might you individuals rate her look?
The announcement neck piece by Amrapali runs truly well with the gem tones of the silk clothing. Kriti has a rectangle formed body sort and in this way, for her layering works the best which the beautician has dealt with.
Full sleeves shirt, Ringer Base Trousers and the long coat, lovely!!!
What does not go well are the lower leg strapped stilettos. The bare shading does not supplement the troupe and looks dull. She could improve her footwear.
How might you individuals rate her look?
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